Monday, March 8, 2010

Reading Reflection 6- Tiffany- Change Agent

I think before change in public education can be addressed on a wider scale, it must first occur within our classrooms. One of my efforts in moving us toward positive change in public education will be by making the invisible students visible. All students need to feel safe, supported and apart of a school's culture/community. Once students feel that they have a personal connection with the school and are safe, the more motivated they are to go along with change as well as be an advocate and take risk for change. I think it also comes downs to getting students to believe in themselves. Our students need to know that we as teaches believe in them regardless of whatever hand they are dealt and hold high expectations for all students.

I also want to create an atmosphere starting in my class, then expanding throughout the school, in which students want to come to school. They want to learn for self and they see the value in peers contributions and thought process. I believe for this to happen students must not only feel apart of the school's culture, but they also must trust the people they see daily. In visiting the social justice department at Lincoln High School and having the opportunity to observe one of the best social justice teachers at the school, I noticed beyond his authentic style of teaching, that his role as an educator extended beyond the classroom. Not only did he involve himself in community events, he brought the community inside his classroom. Students were drawn to him, not because he was a cool guy, but that he could relate and more importantly he cared about each and every student. I noticed this the first fifteen minutes I was in the class. Students have to know and feel that we care on a much deeper level. I think once students understand we care to learn what is going on in their lives and make connections back to their community in our classrooms, change can begin and learning can begin on a much more profound level.

In addition to displaying acts of caring, I plan to develop a risk-taking mentality. This will be a challenge for me, but at the same time I know it's in me. I know that the motivation behind this attribute, is much stronger than for me to ignore. Thus, I will start with small positive acts of risk, and then see what happens from there. In understanding that change is never initiated by passive actions, but risk taking qualities, I will start slowly in becoming the change agent, I know students and on a much larger scale we need to transform public education.

1 comment:

  1. Tiff, you know why I loved this? It's clear. You know what you're talking about! And you taught me something. It didn't even occur to me to talk of getting to know school culture. I wish we were at the same school so we could put our ITU into practice. Thank you and you will be a caring yet risk taking teacher!
